Click HERE for full FOCA Elert

FOCA Elert - December 2014
In early December 2014, we held FOCA's first online-only webinar, on the topic of Cottage Succession. We were thrilled that almost 500 of you signed up to participate. We are still sifting through the event survey responses, and have had a number of requests to make a DVD of the event, or to repeat it in 2015. Stay tuned for developments!
Webinar #2: Wednesday, January 28, 2015 - Environmental Commissioner of Ontario - the Environmental Bill of Rights and You
This webinar will help FOCA members interested in participating in environmental law-making that impacts your waterfront experience and communities - through Ontario's Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR).
FOCA members: Watch your Inbox for sign-up details in mid-January!

Toronto International Boat Show - FREE TICKETS!
We are very excited that FOCA will be part of the "Boating Community Program" at theToronto International Boat Show from January 10-18, 2015, where we will be meeting boaters, and dreaming of an early summer... Plan to join us there.
(above = sample only) |
LAST CALL for free tickets!
FOCA has 2 free tickets to the Boat Show for each and every one of our member associations. Thanks to all the Associations who have already contacted us to claim their tickets.
IMPORTANT: Associations MUST email FOCA by December 31, 2014 with the designated names for the 2 tickets, which will be held at the entry to the Boat Show. Click here for the details...